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Money for Therapy

Trish Morris

What does someone do if they don’t have insurance or the financial means to cover the cost of therapy? This question always breaks my heart because there was a time in my life when I was in that situation. I was destitute and needed therapy to help with some of my life struggles. I had several challenges finding good quality care. I was turned away by some therapists and when I utilized our community’s free services, I was told my religion was wrong and the therapist wouldn’t help me until I denounced my faith.

My struggles with finding quality help while I was in a rough spot are not even close to some of the horror stories I have heard. I have even heard of some places that prevent people from getting well because they can continue to get the government funding for them as long as they are still ill. All of this is disturbing to me.

I know that I can only change the small piece of the world that I’m in direct contact with. That is why, I decided that I would do my best to provide excellent therapy to the people who came to me for help.

Two years ago, I also started our Renew Hope Therapy Program. This is a program where people who are struggling financially can receive therapy for a reduced cost. The program is highly successful in helping people overcome their life’s challenges.

Here is where I am baffled. After the complaints and hearing the stories, we have difficulty filling our program. There are often more spots available than people who call. I am unsure if this has stopped being a need or if the people who need it are not getting the information. Reality is, if there is not a need, then I will have to cancel the program.

I’d like your help, tell us what you think and then please forward this on to a friend. If you do know someone who needs therapy at a reduced fee, send them over.

Thank you,

Registered Psychotherapist

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